5 Effective and Easy Steps To Help Relieve Sore Feet From Standing All Day
Do your feet hurt so much that you cannot wait to get home, or feel like you don't want to walk any longer? If you’re one of the many people who must stand for extended periods of time (+8 hours or more), you already know that standing all day or for long periods of time makes your feet hurt! It can also lead to significant and long-lasting muscle fatigue in the lower-limbs as well as an increased risk for long-term back and knee pain if you stand all day. Your feet, however, will most likely be the first to feel the effects. As a result with foot pain it can come in the form of plantar fasciitis, bunions, heel spurs, swollen feet, a stretched Achilles tendon and ball-of-the-foot pain.
In this blog, you will know some of the common causes of sore feet and also learn tips and strategies for relieving pain.
Common Causes of Aching Feet
- Foot structure: Flat feet, high arches, or arthritis (painful joints that don't move easily)
- Injury: Strains, sprains, and other kinds of damage
- Obesity: Strain on ligaments, muscles, and joints from being overweight
- Overuse: Too much walking or standing, especially on hard surfaces1
- Pregnancy: Hormonal changes that make ligaments loose and stretchy
- Poorly fitting shoes: Footwear that is too loose, too tight, or too narrow for your feet
Here’s the 5 Ways to Soothe Foot Pain
- Stretching: Stretching not only relieves foot pain caused by standing all day, but it can also help prevent long-term health risks and injuries. Here are a few foot stretches to try:
- Epsom salt soak: Place your feet in warm water and soak them in Epsom salt (or another form of bath salt) for around 20-30 minutes. Important note: This is not recommended for diabetics as it could lead to other complications.
- Massage: Relax sore foot muscles with a foot massage. Lather your favorite lotion and massage your feet in a circular motion taking care to get the heel, toes, and ball-of-the-foot.
- Cold Compress: Wrap an ice pack or some ice in a cloth and apply it to your feet for 15-20 minutes if your feet are inflamed or warm to the touch. Repeat this as needed up to 2-3 times a day.
- Check Your Shoes: Your shoes need to be the right size and shape for you. The next time you're in a shoe store, take a moment to have your feet measured. Your footwear needs may have changed. You may need to switch the style or size of your shoes if:
- A bunion, hammertoe, or other condition has changed your foot shape
- A neuroma has formed around a nerve, causing you pain
- You've started a new type of exercise
- Your foot size has changed as you've grown older
- Sandals with too little support are causing foot fatigue
- You're on your feet more than you used to be
- Keep in mind that a loose shoe can also cause foot soreness. When your feet slide around in your shoes, blisters or black toenails can develop. You may also need new shoes if worn-out soles are changing how your feet hit the ground.
One other word of advice: Make sure your shoes are wide enough and deep enough in the toe box.
Follow these effective and easy steps and tips that you can incorporate into your daily or weekly routine and say goodbye to sore feet caused by standing all day.